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Diamond Heart Colorado
December 2023

Public Newsletter

The extreme softness and delicacy of divine love means that when it touches something, it can only melt it. You may notice your experience sometimes when you touch something very delicate and soft —
you yourself tend to soften and relax and let go.

Almaas, A. H.. Nondual Love: Awakening to the Loving Nature of Reality (pp. 5-6). Shambhala. Kindle Edition.

Unlock Your True Potential
Why the Diamond Approach Matters in a World of Quick Fixes

Join us for an introductory online event with Diamond Approach teacher
Andreas Mouskos.
Saturday, December 2, 2023,
10:00AM to 12:30PM MT via zoom.

Feeling stuck in a cycle of quick fixes that promise the world but deliver little?
Ever wonder if there is a more authentic, lasting way to spiritual growth and inner peace?

Join us for an informative talk that explores the Diamond Approach,
a modern spiritual path that provides the framework and methodology for profound transformation.

Go Beyond the Surface: We'll explore why quick fixes do not work for most psychological and spiritual work. Spiritual realization is not a one-time achievement, though that can happen once in a while; for the vast majority of us, spiritual realization is a gradual, methodical process of discovery and integration. It is a process of maturation of the soul.

Find Depth: Learn about a genuine approach that offers long-lasting inner transformation.
The inner journey is not about polishing our personality on the surface and making it better.
It's not about self-improvement; it's about radical transformation.

Modern Relevance: Discover how the Diamond Approach can address a contemporary person's spiritual quest, as well as provide ways to meet the unique challenges in many areas of life. The combination of spiritual work with psychological understanding makes a very effective path. This path is for people who want to live their life in the world in a more authentic way.

Dive deep into your true self with the Diamond Approach.
Register here: Unlock Your True Potential
Join Diamond Approach teacher Julia Dengel for an in-depth exploration of the Inner Critic, that inner voice that judges us, compares us to others, and constrains our capacity for joy and freedom to be ourselves. Through teachings and experiential exercises, we will investigate the origins and function of the Inner Critic, and will learn strategies to reclaim our capacity to be who we are in our depth and power.
A sliver of light
A sliver of light
The crescent moon
A mirror of my soul
Some days a sliver of light
Reveals a part of me
the rest a mystery
On a full moon we can see
The total Pearl
Formed by all things throughout all of time
In its harmonious dance with the universal
Some days reveal the Pearl of me
like the moon
A dance formed by all things
But for now I’m present
With the light of the crescent
And a trust in what I can not see
David martinez 11-19-23
We'd love to publish your poetry, articles, personal experiences, jokes, art, photographs and or cartoons/drawings in our newsletter. It only goes out to members of the school, and, with your approval, to those who have expressed interest in the Diamond Approach. Please send your submissions or questions to Bev for more information. If you have more ideas for our Community Newsletter please advise Bev of that too. We're also looking for photographs to be used in the graphics so don't forget to submit them too.

Chair - Skip Arnold
Admin - Gary Haraldsen
  T - 303-476-1563,

AV - Jeff Truesdall
Building - Mark Southwell
Land - Laurie Albright & Joy Lanzano
Sacred Space - Stephanie Ehret
Staff Liaison - Andreas Mouskos
Supplies - Marcia Johnson

To members and selected subscribers
Mail - 4185 Aurora Ave, Boulder, 80303
Ridhwan Center is located at
6783 Baseline Rd, Boulder, Colorado
Newsletter - Bev Alexander, Gary H
Please add us to your address book.
Editor: Bev Alexander
Graphics: Nesdlara

Diamond Approach and Ridhwan are trademarks of the Ridhwan Foundation.
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