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Diamond Heart Colorado
September 2023

Public Newsletter
One way I see our situation is that creation or the universe is like a tree.
The thick nectar of the ripe fruit is gratitude.
Gratitude for how things are,
Gratitude for being vulnerable,
Gratitude that you can be completely influenceable.
Gratitude for being human.
A.H. Almaas
DHTEN Continues to grow

We just finished a three day weekend on the Yellow aspect, Joy, and we will continue our explorations of the same in September.

Our September meeting, 20th through the 24th, will be on zoom. We are excited to be starting the remodeling of the CO Center.  We will be back in person as soon as the construction allows.  

Let your friends know that they can still join us for the Joy/Yellow retreat. There is Joy for everyone:
Hatred, Peace & Power
Join us for an introductory four-part series
with Diamond Approach Teacher Andreas Mouskos.  

Friday evenings, August 4, 11, 18 & September 1, 2023 from 5 pm to 8 pm Mountain Time on Zoom.

This series has been very popular and we've decided to keep it open for one more Session. You can still join and listen to the recordings of the first three parts, and participate live in the fourth and last part of the series. You can register HERE:
The spiritual traditions of humanity are replete with stories of ordinary human beings who descended into the Underworld, faced their demons and re-emerged as heroes and heroines.
These timeless stories speak of the time-tested process that all who wish to live worthwhile lives have to undergo.

As Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living!"
Carl Jung spoke extensively of the need for all of us to face our shadow.
In this four-part series we will explore the specific demon of Hatred.
We'll delve into the very nature of Hatred and find out what hidden treasures
lie within this dark, tarry pit that lies within each human soul.
Join Andreas to find out what hidden treasures await you in your own personal underworld.
Tuition benefits 100% the Diamond Approach Australia, a non-profit organization disseminating the teaching in Australia,
and costs $220 Australian dollars (about $151 US dollars).
You will be charged in Australian dollars when you register here.




Open to the public, no prior experience necessary.

Many of us find we have become accustomed to the judgmental inner voice and complacent to the pain of the criticisms and comparisons. Let us come together and begin this exploration:

How might life manifest if the inner critical voice were to quiet down?

How would this affect our self-expression?

What is needed to bring about this change?

Join Diamond Approach teacher Laurie Wattell for this exciting event.

Register Here

Love Unveiled: Discovering the Essence of The Awakened Heart

By A.H. Almaas Book Group

In person at Bev Alexander’s.
We all have our own experience of what love means in our lives. What if there is more to love than we believe? In the first book of a three column series, A.H. Almaas invites us to cut through all the historical and cultural veils around love and explore its essential nature.
Please join Diamond Approach teacher Beverly Alexander as we delve more deeply into love and the multifaceted way it does and can impact who we are and how we live our life. Beverly brings her experience as a psychotherapist, cranial sacral therapist, and a rich family life to the wondering and curiosity of what really is love? Do we really embrace it in all of its facets or do we think we know and limit its abundance. The class will be about discussing what we have read, participating in inquiries, and having group discussions.
The group will run for 6 Wednesdays from 6 pm to 8:15 pm at her home in East Boulder.

Dates are October 4, 18, November 1, 8 and 29 and December 13. All Wednesdays.  The cost is $150 for the series.
Please email Bev at to sign up or with any questions. No prior experience necessary. All are welcome.  FLYER
Colorado public events can also be seen HERE
The Battle
by C.P.Smith

Shh shh shh… Don’t tell me one more lie
I know, I know, I know what you are going to say
But I don’t want to hear it
I’m listening to the silence inside; it captivates
It is not loving me versus loving you
As if love can be divided and parceled out

Shh shh shh… I can’t fight anymore
I know, I know, I know what I’m fighting for is worthy
And I don’t want to give it up
Still the silence calls to me; it whispers
Wave the white flag, put down your weapons
Even if the battle lines were drawn so long ago

Shh shh shh… Can you hear it?
Listen, listen, listen! The silence will not scream
I wound you but I am bleeding and in pain
You retaliate, bloody and hurting like me
I surrender in a leap of pure, blind trust
Certain that I cannot win if you lose

Shh shh shh… Be in the silence
Allow, allow, allow the quiet emptiness
There is nothing missing
All we desire is there as sweet as the softest kiss
There is absolutely nothing but Love
The Truth radiant in one united Heart.
We'd love to publish your poetry, articles, personal experiences, jokes, art, photographs and or cartoons/drawings in our newsletter. It only goes out to members of the school, and, with your approval, to those who have expressed interest in the Diamond Approach. Please send your submissions or questions to Bev for more information. If you have more ideas for our Community Newsletter please advise Bev of that too. We're also looking for photographs to be used in the graphics so don't forget to submit them too.

Chair - Skip Arnold
Admin - Gary Haraldsen
AV - Jeff Truesdall
Building - Mark Southwell
Land - Laurie Albright & Joy Lanzano
Newsletter - Bev Alexander, Gary Haraldsen

Sacred Space - Stephanie Ehret
Staff Liaison - Andreas Mouskos
Steward Emeritus - Seth Watson
Supplies - Marcia Johnson

To members and selected subscribers
Mail - 4185 Aurora Ave, Boulder, CO 80303
Ridhwan Center is located at
6783 Baseline Rd, Boulder, Colorado
Admin/Gary - Tel 303-476-1563
Please add us to your address book.
Editor: Bev Alexander
Graphics: Nesdlara

Diamond Approach and Ridhwan are trademarks of the Ridhwan Foundation.
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