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Please consider supporting the MNPQC & MPO by becoming an annual partner or sponsoring our fall conference. Your support will go to provide education on many relevant topics that affect healthcare in Minnesota.

Registration is now open for Partner and Sponsorship support!

Email with questions or comments.

Count the Kicks is an evidence-based stillbirth prevention campaign created in 2008 by the Iowa nonprofit organization Healthy Birth Day, Inc.
The campaign was created by five women in central Iowa who all experienced stillbirth or infant loss in the early 2000s.

Read the full interview by MNPQC interns on our website!

The 1st Annual Substance Use in Pregnancy Regional Conference will aim to increase healthcare provider awareness of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for perinatal substance use disorders.

Learn more and register now!

Healthy Moms and Babies Summit 2021

On Sept. 14, MHA will host the second Healthy Moms and Babies Summit where an interdisciplinary group of hospital and health system care teams and leaders will collaboratively learn and share best practices in the care provided to moms and babies in Minnesota.

MNPQC's Community Organization Resources

Visit the Resources Page on our new website to access the numerous Community Organizations and online resources. These resources aid mothers and their children, as well as healthcare professionals interested in improving perinatal health across Minnesota. If you don’t see your organization listed, or know of an organization or helpful resource that is missing, please contact us at to the community resource section.


To continue providing access to information, engagement, and collaboration among Minnesota Perinatal & Infant Providers - please send your resources, events, and information to to display on our website.

View the full calendar on our
website -
There are past and present events available on the calendar.

Have an event that needs to be showcased?
Please send us the event information
Stay up-to-date - Bookmark our COVID-19 Updates page today!

MNPQC is dedicated to sharing the latest information, resources, and education with healthcare providers, parents and caregivers, and our communities. Our COVID-19 Updates page includes webinars, articles, and guidelines on the care of pregnant women and newborns, resources for breastfeeding mothers and obtaining formula, health equity, as well as general information, including other languages (as available). Sources include the CDC, MDH, SMFM, and partner PQCs, as well as other reliable sources.  

If you have additional resources or educational opportunities for us to share, please send them to
The Minnesota Perinatal Quality Collaborative (MNPQC) is co-facilitated by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Minnesota Perinatal Organization (MPO), and is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of State-Based Perinatal Quality Collaboratives Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-DP17-1702.

Copyright © 2021 Minnesota Perinatal Organization, All rights reserved.
These emails are sent to MPO/MNPQC members, past conference participants, and individuals identified as stakeholders in perinatal healthcare.