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Please consider supporting the MNPQC & MPO by becoming an annual partner or sponsoring our fall conference. Your support will go to provide education on many relevant topics that affect healthcare in Minnesota. In return, we will provide you with generous exhibition space and ample opportunity, in-person and virtually, to network with those who attend this highly rated and much-respected conference.

Registration, session details, and more coming soon! In the meantime, check out the partner & sponsor opportunities below!

Email with questions or comments.

Mother’s First provides families with prenatal, nursing, chemical health, and case management services. Interested in finding out more about this amazing organization? Click below to read the full interview!
Help Families Thrive with Help Me Connect

Caring for young children can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences and it’s difficult to know where to start looking for resources when families want help supporting their little ones!

Minnesota Help Me Connect ( is a new online navigator that connects pregnant and parenting families with young children birth to 8 years of age with services in their local communities that support healthy child development and family well-being.

The Help Me Connect navigator was built to support early childhood service providers across the state and enhance their partnership with families in finding resources they want or need to be healthy, strong, and safe. Providers can search for a variety of available programs and services closest to a family’s home address such as health and well-being services, early learning and child care programs, disability resources and services, basic needs, COVID-19 resources, and Tribal Nation programs and services (See Help Me Connect Provider flyer). Providers can also create a unique account to save favorite searches and resources for future use.

There will be several live demos held over the summer for anyone to participate in. Watch the Preschool Development Grant Help Me Connect webpage for dates and times. Recorded online video tutorials will be available in July.

All are encouraged to share suggestions for improvements and new resources with the Help Me Connect team at Let us know if we can join an upcoming meeting, training, or conference to share more about Help Me Connect.

Help Me Connect was created based on suggestions from parents and providers looking for an early childhood “one-stop-shop” that connects families to local resources. It is a joint initiative between the Minnesota departments of Education, Health, Human Services, and the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet.
Thanks to three years of advocacy by a team of Minnesotans hoping to improve access to care for pregnant people experiencing substance use disorders, mandatory reporting of perinatal substance use will be changing on July 1, 2021. To learn more, visit our website!
Hennepin Healthcare announces Perinatal Opioid Use Disorder ECHO education series

Hennepin Healthcare’s Project ECHO will kick off a new series focused on Perinatal Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) every Thursday from 12:15-1:15 pm starting January 7, 2021. Led collaboratively by Hennepin Healthcare’s Dr. Brian Grahan and the University of Minnesota’s Dr. Cresta Jones, our goal is to help providers develop the knowledge and confidence to manage this type of longitudinal care locally. Sessions are free of charge and open to all interested healthcare professionals.

Featuring local and national experts, the Perinatal OUD series will include the following topics:

  • OUD screening for individuals of childbearing age
  • Managing reporting requirements to child protective services (including Indian Child Welfare Act reporting)
  • Initiation of buprenorphine and other medications for OUD (MOUD) in the pregnant individual
  • Pain management during and after delivery for individuals on MOUD
  • Best practices in coordination with psychotherapy-based substance use treatment programs
  • Management of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS)
  • Patient-oriented, respectful parenting support for young families affected by substance use

MNPQC's Community Organization Resources

Visit the Resources Page on our new website to access the numerous Community Organizations and online resources. These resources aid mothers and their children, as well as healthcare professionals interested in improving perinatal health across Minnesota. If you don’t see your organization listed, or know of an organization or helpful resource that is missing, please contact us at to the community resource section.

To continue providing access to information, engagement, and collaboration among Minnesota Perinatal & Infant Providers - please send your resources, events, and information to to display on our website.

View the full calendar on our website - There are past and present events available on the calendar. Have an event that needs to be showcased?
Please send us the event information
Stay up-to-date - Bookmark our COVID-19 Updates page today!

MNPQC is dedicated to sharing the latest information, resources, and education with healthcare providers, parents and caregivers, and our communities. Our COVID-19 Updates page includes webinars, articles, and guidelines on the care of pregnant women and newborns, resources for breastfeeding mothers and obtaining formula, health equity, as well as general information, including other languages (as available). Sources include the CDC, MDH, SMFM, and partner PQCs, as well as other reliable sources.  

If you have additional resources or educational opportunities for us to share, please send them to

The Minnesota Perinatal Quality Collaborative (MNPQC) is co-facilitated by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Minnesota Perinatal Organization (MPO), and is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of State-Based Perinatal Quality Collaboratives Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-DP17-1702.

Copyright © 2021 Minnesota Perinatal Organization, All rights reserved.
These emails are sent to MPO/MNPQC members, past conference participants, and individuals identified as stakeholders in perinatal healthcare.