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Diamond Heart Colorado



And that transformation of the soul into the very nature of the Beloved feels like an annihilation because the nature of the Beloved is an absolute, mysterious kind of nothingness or absence.

Almaas, A. H.. Love Unveiled (p. 238). Shambhala. Kindle Edition.
DH TEN Ready to Launch
Here in Colorado we are in the process of recovery from the fires that have affected so many people in our community. On behalf of Chris, Laurie and myself, the Diamond Heart TEN team, I want to express our deepest care for all of you who have been affected in any way by this devastating event. We hold you in our hearts.

As you may have heard, our Center on Marshall Drive was also consumed by the fires. That will affect how we meet as DH TEN in person when the pandemic allows us to do that. When the time comes for meeting in person, we will find another venue for our meetings until our Center is rebuilt. We are still planning to launch our group in March via zoom.

The Inner Work that we do, is not only important for us as individuals, but for the whole of our community and humanity at large. The Inner Spiritual Work of discovering, developing and preserving the human essence, that people have done over the ages, in all the varied Spiritual Traditions, have long contributed to the development of Humanity as a whole. Now, more than ever, this kind of Work of inner transformation is needed and is indispensable. It can support us in a variety of ways both personally as well as collectively at this difficult time in our human history.

To those of you who find the teaching of the Diamond Approach appealing, we extend our heartful invitation to join us at the introductory events coming up in Feb and March and continuing with the Diamond Heart TEN launch in March.

With love and appreciation,

Andreas, Laurie and Chris
DH Ten Team

Our website provides updates for all events and details:


Upcoming Online Event

The Obstacle is the Way

Come join us for an introductory online event with
Diamond Approach teacher Andreas Mouskos.

Saturday, February 12, 2022 from 10 AM to 12:30 PM mountain time via zoom
Open to the public, no prior experience necessary.

Most of us, when we encounter an obstacle in our way, we try to avoid it by retreating, going around, over or under it.

On the spiritual path, as well as in many of life’s situations, it may be more productive to actually engage a different process.

Here are bios for each of the DH Ten teachers:
Transformations of the Colorado Ridhwan Center

You may have heard by now of the catastrophic fires in Boulder
over the New Year's weekend which happened in the precise neighborhood of our original Ridhwan Center, completely obliterating the building, the steward’s residence, and all contents.  

It was an amazing fire, fed by hurricane-force winds, which meant that everything that burned, burned very hot and blew completely away, leaving a clean slate of empty space, the only remaining structure being the concrete slab upon which it had been built.  Fires such as this burn everything and leave nothing behind.

Since the early 1980’s, we knew we needed a suitable home base, and so we searched for a few years, prioritizing a good travel distance compromise between Boulder and Denver.  Several of us found the 5869 Marshall Drive property in August of 1985, before construction of Costco or Whole Foods.

After several months of remodeling, involving committees for design and construction, most of which we did  ourselves, the first meetings were held there in the Spring of 1986. These were much simpler days, when one could do their own work of this kind. Everyone contributed, learning the skills needed to cut concrete channels for water and sewer lines, learning the skills for framing walls and hanging doors, for running electrical wiring, and of course for painting.  So with so much time and energy so heartfully donated, we collectively got it done in mere months.

Hameed taught his weekends and retreats at this center several times a year from the Summer of 1986 until only a few years ago. Before that, we met in students’ homes, and then rented commercial spaces as interest in our work expanded, seemingly exponentially, for many years.  It was in this center that Diamond Heart Training, as we called it then, was born, the forerunner of the teaching as we know it today. And it was from this location that our various “outlying groups”, including Boston, Hawaii, Houston, and by now all the many others, germinated and later spread to Europe and beyond.

And so we have had thirty-five years of Sunday work periods, work afternoons for the whole local Ridhwan Community, years to refine and care for the property and learn from it. This was the first real estate owned by the Ridhwan Foundation, our first physical center, the foundation and church structure made possible by Morton’s carefully created legal entity.

This was such a small thing we felt we were doing back in 1985; just building our first “group house”, as we called it. There feels to be something auspicious and important in this development at this particular time,
though as it has always been, we don’t yet know what it will be.

Since writing this, it didn’t take long for plans to begin hatching for how to rebuild, and there will be more information to be shared in the next weeks.

Duncan Scribner
Only Quiet and Still Remain

A gasp
oh, my
oh, my dear
We’re gone
No more

No door no window or wall or bush
Or chair or dais or banner
Or manner of flower or bell or
Only quiet and still remain

Through ashes and rubble
I stumble to find any trace
Our sacred space
So sublime

There was none, no trinket or blanket
Or cushion or speaker
Or Speaker
Only quiet and still remain

And yet…
As we walked the land
Arm in arm
Hand in hand
No mistaking the feel…

It was here
It was us, it was real
It was true

Our community
Was felt everywhere
In the sky, in the clouds
In the land

In the land
We could tell
Our presence was there
Our energy strong
Our wisdom prevailed

The land is holding us tight
In the day
In the night

With incredible might
We’ve prevailed,
Against gales
And destruction
And fires

The flame from within
Is no lamb
But fierce foe
Together we go
Toward that light

Where the quiet and still
Still remain…

Patty Walker Rice
Dear Colorado School,

I hope this note finds you all well and healthy during these disorienting times.  Wanted to take a moment to update you all on how I am.
So many of you have stepped forward and offered so much and so many different kinds of support I am almost at a loss of words from the gratitude I feel. Please know If I have not gotten back to all of you who have reached out personally, I eventually will and am considering all your generous offerings.

These last few weeks, As I slowly get reoriented to my new life, I have been focused on applying for new documentation with different governmental agencies. The DAC (disaster assistance center) has tried to make it as streamline as possible. I have very much appreciated their efforts and all the organizations under that umbrella.

Currently I am well provided for in terms of shelter, clothing, finances, and even food that has come from so many of you. There is time now spent considering what is needed for my life now post fire. Still very much unknown as I keep feeling into how this new life organization needs to be. I am in no hurry as I feel the depth of this unfolding in my being.  My survival drive relaxes a little more everyday. I feel more and more basic trust to this new thread of unfoldment. That has not been easy but I have had support and patience from my friends, teachers and the Teaching as I feel myself drop more into presence.

Secondly, shock is a real thing. Even though I was not at the property personally when the fire began the overwhelm of it's affect on my soul has been quite palpable. It has manifested in me as a feeling of numbness and running around trying to fulfill needs in an instinctually driven way. Also an unsettling sleep averaging about 4 or 5 hours a night while jumping up in the morning to just go. On the other end an extreme kind of exhaustion during the day that is not so physical but psycho emotional overwhelm, yet very difficult to fall asleep at night. This is improving with much help and holding from so many and the field of presence that comes with it.

Lastly, i have been asked if I have any requests. As I feel into the all of your Beautiful offerings of support from this community and the greater community of Boulder, and my family and friends I realize how challenging it is even with all of this support to deal with everything.  I cannot help but think of the individuals that are not so fortunate in the Marshall Fire and that do not have such diverse and essential support in their lives.  I see people carrying black garbage bags at the laundromat and know  these individuals have been affected by the fire. Red cross has given people black plastic bags and I see the similar daze in their being as I have felt.

I have witnessed people dressed in three layers of windproof suits shopping at the grocery stores whom I know are sleeping in their cars as their conversations waft my way all due to the fire.  Many more are being hosted by the Red cross shelters  because they have no place else to go and cannot afford a hotel.

Even members in our own Ridhwan Community still have no potable water in their homes because of the toxic residue the fire has left. Others in our school have family members that have experienced direct and personal loss of home as well.

These slices of life touch me deeply as i watch and listen to others tell me their experiences of being caught in the fire. I would ask that our community continue noticing such small events unfolding in everyday surroundings, pause for a moment and see what is there. 

A little presence goes a long way in however it moves us. Thank you for continuing to hold all of us and the school in your meditations as loss gives way to the quiescence of new beginnings.

Indestructibly yours
Seth Watson lost his home and possessions in the Marshall Fire. If you want to support him financially, contact Wally Foster at He can give you the link to a gofundme page that has been set up for Seth. Satya is the person to contact if you want to offer other support for Seth. You can call her at 707-295-6520 or email her at
A sweet remembrance by Andreas Mouskos
Please be sure to click "View entire message"
at the end of this email for the rest of the Newsletter.

The Perfect Gift for You or a Loved One

Whether you want to honor yourself or a friend, this gift is just the right way to turn the leaf into the New Year!

The HU poster has just been recreated more beautifully and on a much, much better paper than the one from the 1980s. This one is on sturdy card stock with a much deeper black and texture. You might want to keep it unframed so you can touch it...silky soft and smooth; just like the Absolute.

The dimensions are 23" by 17" which allows for trimming to your desired size.

The proceeds from the poster fundraiser will go to the Colorado Outreach account supporting the launch of DH TEN. We rely on your generosity.

The posters are
$50 each or two for $90. Send your payment to:
Paypal will issue you a tax receipt, be sure to forward it to
Gary@Ridhwan.Org so your order can be placed.

Once all the orders in, around the end of January, you will be advise how and where you can pick up your poster. If you want it mailed to you anywhere in the USA, please add $25 to your order for shipping and handling.

Wishing you a very happy, healthy,
rewarding New Year!

With love and peace,
If you know alumni of the Diamond Approach who would like to hear about events which are open to them, please have them send a request to

Chair - Rich Thompson
Admin - Gary Haraldsen
AV - Jeff Truesdall
Building - Mark Southwell
Land - Laurie Albright & Joy Lanzano
Newsletter - Bev Alexander, Gary Haraldsen

Sacred Space - Stephanie Ehret
Staff Liaison - Andreas Mouskos
Steward - Seth Watson
Supplies - Marcia Johnson

To members and selected subscribers
Mail - 4185 Aurora Ave, Boulder, CO 80303
Ridhwan Center is located in
Boulder, Colorado
Admin/Gary - Tel 303-476-1563
Please add us to your address book.
Editor: Bev Alexander
Graphics: Nesdlara
Machinations: Gary Haraldsen

Diamond Approach and Ridhwan are trademarks of the Ridhwan Foundation.
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