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Henry's Successful Communication eTip

Successful communication around the house...
Listener Tip

Be an active listener around the house. Anticipate what your speaker is going to say next, based on what you are doing and previous conversations. Pay attention to your surroundings to make an educated guess rather than tuning out, or saying "what?"
Homework Assignment

Over the next few days, put some extra effort into anticipating what might be said. Before you ask for repetition, think about your surroundings and what you were previously talking about. Make an educated guess based on this information.
Practice Makes Perfect!
Henry's Hearing Aid Tip

Hearing aid batteries no longer have mercury in them. This means that they need time to "charge." When you take the tab off the back of the battery, you need to let the battery sit outside of the hearing aid for 1-2 minutes. This allows air to enter the holes on the back of the battery and mix with the zinc inside the battery. The zinc and air must mix for 1-2 minutes for the battery to achieve a full charge. This will make your batteries last longer.
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Dr. Dusty
Columbine Hearing Care
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